30 Aug Instagram Verified! That beautiful Blue Badge 💙
Instagram Verified, easier than ever! <3 <3 <3
I know you want me… you know I want cha! (This is the blue badge singing hahaha).
YOU KNOW YOU WANTÂ IT! Who does not want to have an Instagram Verified account?
The long wait is over! Stop looking for that secret customer service email, that never responded to your simple request. You don’t need to have trillions of followers, or to be Justin Bieber, to get Instagram Verified.

YESSSSS! We want to be verified on Instagram YES.
Recently Instagram made a few changes and you can now request this via your Instagram App.
Sound to easy to be true? (we have the same feeling) but, it is what it is!
Get an Instagram Verified Account
We probably spend more time creating this article, and you will probably spend more time reading it than actually asking for an Instagram Verified account.
Instagram Verified Account in 5 steps
- Go to Settings
- Then click on Account
- Look for the section called Request Verification
- Fill-in the information asked for
- Wait for Instagram’s response 😉

Now, the hardest part…

Waiting for Instagram’s response like…
MegaFollow uses your Instagram account to automate likes, comments, follows and unfollows, based on your needs so you can attract new, real and organic followers.
Doneeee! Easy right?
Instagram’s response might take a few days but you should be all set. We have heard that Instagram doesn’t care about the amount of followers you have but they do care about the media you have. Offers or crap images won’t get you too far.
Let’s do this! Give it a try and let us know your experience of getting Instagram Verified.
Aaaand remember: share this post with your loved ones :)
Niharika Verma
Posted at 18:41h, 04 OctoberI have a business profile but I am not getting that option. Why so!
Posted at 17:36h, 12 OctoberInteresting, have you tried updating your app?
Kristine Krynitzki
Posted at 18:45h, 04 OctoberThere is no “Request Verification” option under settings. I am a business account using the android app on my Samsung S9+. Please advise.
Posted at 17:37h, 12 OctoberHey Kristine! can you please revise your app version? maybe getting the latest will solve this 🙂
Saurabh Sabikhi
Posted at 10:21h, 06 OctoberIt does not show these options on my instagram.
I am from India.
Is the option to get verified exist in India?
Posted at 17:38h, 12 OctoberHey Saurabh! Yes, this option is a worldwide feature. Try upgrading your app version
loraa white
Posted at 08:21h, 08 OctoberHow do you get verified if you are a business? this only works for personal accounts. Although my business is verified as a business it would be nice to have a blue tick also.
Posted at 17:35h, 12 OctoberHey Loraa! Nop this actually works for all type of accounts, the only metric Instagram uses to give you or not the badge is the quality and value you are providing to the community. Did you already apply for the blue badge? Would love to hear your feedback, we did it for a few accounts and worked!
Tomislav Jovanoski
Posted at 08:56h, 18 OctoberI couldnt make verification also.
In the part where i should choose type of my account….the Instagram app is getting blocked and close immediately.
So i can’t do it
What should I do